The Wintergreen area of Virginia is a mountain ridge with the Shenandoah Valley to the NW and hills and valleys to the SE-where this photo was taken.

Wintergreen Resort consists of a ski area, vacation rentals, trails, and views

Along the top is the Blue Ridge Parkway. The hill sides are covered with hardwood trees, looking NW is the Shannondoah Valley

Some Color remained while we were there in Mid-Nov.

Sherando Lake is one of a few Mountain lakes.

Scenes along Rockfish River Valley and Trail [click on an image to enlarge and page forward, backward]

More photos taken from the top of the resort.









Tumbling down the hills are a few falls -Crabtree Falls.


Nearby is an old farm-John Oliver Farm

Photos from Natural Bridge State Park, Virginia

Animals at the Virginia Safari Park

Appomattox Court House National Historical Park

McLean House, where the signing to end the Civil War happened.


The actual courthouse building. All the building in the park have been restored.