Falls found at Michigan's Upper Peninsula

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan has an abundance of waterfalls.
Alger Falls

Bond Falls tumbles gradually over a gentle incline and them rumbles down a steep rocky wall.
Iagoo Falls on Presque Isle River

Miners Falls

Munising Falls, quiet in the summer and wild during the massive snow melt in the spring.

Multiple levels of Sable Falls

Wagner Falls

Presque Isle River rapids show how the force of the water can carve semicircle in the rocks.

Parts of a mountain stream in the Scottish Highlands referred to as Glencoe Waterfalls

Foyer Falls on a small stream flowing into Loch Ness, Scotland
Cascade Springs The water comes from a nearby spring and flows over a swampy expanse to a river and falls.

Stewart Falls
Like Cascade Springs found in the Wasatch Mountains

Bingham Falls, Stow, Vermont

Cady's Falls, Hyde Park, Vermont

Falling Springs Falls Cedar Creek Falls at Natural Bridge
Another country with thousands of waterfalls
Many start from melting glaciers and flow to the western Fjords

Falls in Breiseterdalen (Valley)
Falls on the Gjoni River in Bordalsgjelet Gorge


Foss a Sidu (these photos are misplace, the falls are in Iceland not Norway)

Geirangefjorden is a huge fjord and World Heritage site that has numerous waterfall along both mountainous sides.
At the end of this arm, the fjord meets the small town of Hellesylt.

Falls at Innerdalen Valley - advertised as Norway's most beautiful valley.

Fossen = Falls


Rapids on Nærøydalselvi River


Fall on Vetla Sokni Vardehaugselve


Nigardsbreen Glacier, River and Falls

Typical Glacier river with turquoise colored water and frequent falls. Veitastrond Valley

West Virginia

Falls of Hills Creek , Monongahela National Forest
Sandstone Falls, New River Gorge National Park

Copper Falls State Park
The most popular park in Northern Wisconsin. Two rivers meet in a gorge and drop over several falls. Bad River and its tributary the Tyler Forks exhibit a copper color probably from tannin in the water.
The copper name comes from the fact this area was once a major copper mining area.
Trails take you to the edge of the many falls.

Houghton Falls State Natural Area. Like Copper Falls both are part of the ancient geologic rift extending diagonally from the Keweenaw Peninsula in the UP through N. Wisconsin into Minnesota.

Pewits Nest Gorge is cut through a gorge by Skillet Creek.
The creek contains a few small falls. It is all part of the Baraboo Hills just north of Madison.
The hills were once a mountain range estimated to be as high as the Rocky Mountains.
Yellowstone National Park

Summer views of two of the falls in Yellowstone. Lower Yellowstone Falls above and Kepler Cascades to the left